Are You Resting in the Father’s Provision?
We are called to rest in the Father’s provision in Christ.
Many find themselves experiencing anxiety rather than rest.
We are bombarded with negative thoughts and emotions every day.
Whose voice are you listening to?
Is it your Heavenly Father or the accuser Satan?
It is important that we allow the voice of our Heavenly Father to bring comfort,
to quiet our hearts during anxious moments.
Listen carefully to your Heavenly Father as He calls you to rest in Christ.
REST when you are tempted to remember all your failures and short comings.
Hear your Father as He says, “I do not remember your sins. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when people misunderstand you.
Hear your Father as He says, “I understand you better than you understand yourself. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when untruths are spoken about you.
Hear your Father as He says, “I believe in you, and I have your back.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you mess up and you want to try to make it right.
Hear your Father as He says, “I can handle it all by Myself, My grace is sufficient. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when your flesh says, “DO SOMETHING, take matters into your own hands.”
Hear your Father as He says, “It is finished, and I am in control.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when logic tells you the exact opposite of what I say is true.
Hear your Father as He says, “My ways are not your ways. Rely on My wisdom rather than your knowledge.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when people are screaming at you, “DO, do, do! GO, Go, Go!” Perform and produce!
Hear your Father as He says, “STOP! I know your future. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you think you have all the answers, and you want to tell others what to do.
Hear your Father as He says, “Let me be God in their life.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you think you have the answers, and you need to fix it now.
Hear your Father as He says, “I am the fruit of the Spirit, I am the Godly control of self. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when your prayers and dreams seem to be a fleeting distant reality.
Hear your Father as He says, “I am omnipresent, I live outside of time. Live in Me, I am the Promise. Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you are anxious and are about to emotionally explode inside.
Hear your Father as He says, “Be still and know that I am God, I will still the storms of life.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when there is so much to do and you can’t seem to get caught up.
Hear your Father as He says, “I am your strength, and through Christ you ‘can do all things.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you feel burned out because you have been walking after the flesh.
Hear your Father as He says, “My grace is sufficient for you, and I will enable you to rise on wings as eagles. I make beauty for ashes.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you have fully given yourself to the work of ministry.
Hear your Father as He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when you have given yourself unselfishly for others and they have rejected you.
Hear your Father as He says, “Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST when others are enjoying sin, doing what you may be tempted to do.
Hear your Father as He says, “Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel. Remember, you will never be disappointed in My ways.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST while the days “fly by” and you get older and older.
Hear your Father as He says, “Your times are in My hands.” Trust and Rest in Me.
REST for “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
Hear your Father as He says, “For the one who has entered My rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.”
For God (The Father) so loved the world (you) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whoever believes (rests) in Him shall not perish, but have Eternal Life.”
Rest in the Father’s embrace and Experience Life As God Intended.
Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life