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Jesus – All in All by Jim Fowler

Daily Readings Exalting Jesus. Volume 6 in the Jesus Series of Daily Readings. This series of daily readings is different that the usual daily devotional books. Each volume has theological readings as well as practical readings on daily Christian life.

The Pilgrim's Progress: A Readable Modern-Day Version of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress (Revised and easy-to-read).

The story chronicles the epic adventure of a man named Christian who leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a life-long quest to the Celestial City. Set against the backdrop of a hazardous journey, this powerful drama unfolds as Christian’s adventures lead him into fascinating lands and encounters with interesting people who either help or hinder his progress along a narrow way. With a gallery of memorable characters and visits to colorful places, Bunyan’s allegorical narrative describes one man's extraordinary adventure on his journey to faith.

One Day at a Time by Neil T. Anderson

Many Christians are locked in a cycle of addiction, particularly in the areas of alcohol and drug abuse. Adapting his successful Steps to Freedom in Christ, Dr. Neil Anderson has provided an alternative model of recovery for substance and alcohol abusers--a model that has also freed hundreds of thousands struggling with other kinds of addictions. But the devil doesn't give up easily. So to further help recovering addicts still struggling with temptation, there is the One Day at a Time devotional. Here are inspirational readings that reinforce the Steps to Freedom and encourage those on the road to recovery. This product is for those who want to break free from a debilitating lifestyle of addiction, and for pastors and counselors to use with their clients.

Helping Others Overcome Addictions by Steve McVey, Mike Quarles

How God's Grace Brings Lasting Freedom. Does Christianity have an answer for addiction? As longtime pastor Mike Quarles’s alcoholism worsened over eight years, churches and Christians referred him to treatment, 12-Step programs, therapy…nothing worked. Steve McVey, also a pastor, repeatedly dished out the same advice Mike received, with similarly poor results… …Until, in their frustration, God led them back to basic, addiction-breaking truths of His Word. The authors explain these for readers who want to help someone or who struggle themselves, because freedom from addiction is found only when Christians fully believe what God says about their identity move beyond the 12-Step concept of inescapable “addict identity” stop harboring unforgiveness, get radically right with God, and dwell in who they are in Christ, which excludes engaging in addictive behaviors as a lifestyle.

Derivative Man: Man As God Intended by Jim Fowler.

This small book was developed as a text-book to accompany a series of three narrated slideshow teachings that were converted into MP4 videos and subsequently uploaded to YouTube. They are entitled “A Biblical Perspective of Humanity,” parts one, two, and three.

Man As God Intended by Jim Fowler

From the beginning of time mankind has asked such questions as: What is man? Who am I? Why do I exist? How am I supposed to function? These are basic questions that every person must answer in order to provide meaning and purpose in life. Jim Fowler provides an overview of Biblical Theology from an anthropological perspective. In so doing the basic questions asked above are answered in a comprehensive and understandable way.

Marriage! the Journey by Anne Trippe

In Marriage! The Journey, Anne has gone public with the wisdom and insight she has shared privately with couples since 1986. This book is a first. It is not just another book on marriage. Anne has given us a guide for creating relationships that reflects God's original intention for husbands and wives. Marriage! The Journey confronts commonly held myths about marriage with truth. The book shows how God desires to use even the mate's imperfections to bring each partner into dependency on Christ's Life and into intimacy with each other.

ALL TO THE GLORY OF JESUS: Daily Readings the Testify of Jesus

This is volume 5 in the "Jesus Series of Daily Readings." It contains 366 daily readings that testify of Jesus, one for every day of the year (including Leap Year). Like the previous four volumes, Jim Fowler attempts to present a Christ-centered gospel with implications for theological issues, and for practical issues of living the Christ-life. Many have been blessed and informed by these readings, and we trust that you will be also.

THE REST OF THE GOSPEL: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out.

“Do I have life ‘more abundant’?” That’s a question millions of Christians have asked down through the ages. Dan Stone asked that question during a time of spiritual frustration in his own life and God answered by showing Dan he had been living only a part of the gospel message. Dan’s search led him to discover the truth of “Christ in you” as “the rest of the gospel” that most Christians overlook. Readers who are hungry for a deeper experience with God will resonate with Dan’s discovery of “the rest of the gospel,” which is indeed rest for everyone who is willing to finally let go and let God.

DERIVING FROM A SPIRITUAL SOURCE: Tracing Character Expression in Human Behavior back to the Spiritual Source of Derivation

This book is a compilation of articles Jim Fowler has written on the theme of human derivation over the span of fifty years. Jim regards the anthropological premise of "derivative man" to be the key to understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been the theme that runs through all of his writings.

FOCUSING ON JESUS: Daily Christ-centered Thoughts

In three hundred sixty-six readings, Jim Fowler has written a daily thought for every day of the calendar year. These are not simple and inspirational devotional writings. They are packed with themes that have been part of Christian thought through the centuries. These daily thoughts deal with theological subjects, practical implications of how Christian character relates to everyday life, as well as to the social issues of our day. The title of the volume relates the overarching perspective of the readings – to expose the contrast between the usual emphases so common in religious teaching, and the focal point of legitimate Christian thought in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. Religion has too often majored in the minors, and failed to emphasize that Christianity is Christ. Not just the central issue, but the sole issue for Christian thought and practice is JESUS.

MANIFESTING THE LIFE OF JESUS: Daily Readings on the Christ-Life

This volume contains 366 daily readings relating to the Christ-life. This is the third volume in a series. The first was The Issue is Jesus (2017). The second was Focusing on Jesus (2019). And this, the third volume, is entitled Manifesting the Life of Jesus (2021). The three volumes together will be called The Jesus Trilogy.

IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS: Daily Consideration of the Indwelling Jesus

This is volume four in the "The Jesus Series of Daily Readings." Vol. 1 was THE ISSUE IS JESUS. Vol. 2 was FOCUSING ON JESUS. Vol. 3 was MANIFESTING THE LIFE OF JESUS. Vol. 4 is IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS. There are 366 daily readings, one for every day of the year, including February 29 on Leap Year. This book also has a Subject Index and a Scripture Index. The daily readings deal with many considerations of the indwelling Lord Jesus in Christ-ones. Jim Fowler often distinguishes between religion and Christianity, emphasizing that Christianity is not about performing rules and regulations and rituals of devotion, but is the Christ-life lived out in the behavior of a Christ-one. The Christian life is a derived life, deriving all from the living Lord Jesus.

The Jesus Series of Daily Readings

The JESUS Series of "daily readings" (366 readings for every year). These are not the typical inspirational daily devotions, but a series of 300+ word daily readings that emphasize orthodox Christian thought, while challenging many of the methods and procedures of the Christian community. These readings emphasize that JESUS is the sole focus and reality of Christian thought and practice. The first volume is entitled: THE ISSUE IS JESUS. The second volume is entitled: FOCUSING ON JESUS. The third volume is entitled: MANIFESTING THE LIFE OF JESUS. The series may subsequently be expanded with additional volumes.


This volume contains articles and excerpts from previously published materials pertaining to the Grace-Faith Connection, the most important relational dynamic of the Christian faith.

Lifetime Guarantee: Making Your Christian Life Work and What to Do When It Doesn't

In Lifetime Guarantee (more than 100,000 copies sold), Bill Gillham writes of his struggle to live a life of victory in Christ, “After 12 years…I finally crashed and burned. That was the best thing the Lord could have ever let happen to me.” As a professor, counselor, and radio host, Gillham heard countless stories of people who tried to live the Christian life but repeatedly failed. Then he realized that only one person can live like Christ—Jesus Himself—and that He wants to live His life through each and every believer.
Readers will appreciate Gillham’s gut-honest and encouraging tone as they discover…
the root of their problems—the techniques they have developed for satisfying their needs for love and self-esteem the key to victory—their true identity in Christ God’s goal for their lives—conformity to Christ’s image as He lives through them.

The Confident Woman: Knowing Who You Are in Christ

Many women believe that if they try hard enough to be the perfect Christian woman, God will honor their efforts. But God does not call them to be perfect. He wants them to be confident—confident in His love and acceptance. As a mentor, friend, and former perfection-seeker, Anabel Gillham shares how women can experience the transforming touch of confidence as they: understand who they are in relation to Christ and to others recognize their three biggest needs and discover how God meets them rely on God for their value, worth, and success With more than 100,000 copies sold, this book ministers to women of all ages and backgrounds as they encounter their perfect identity in Christ.

Parenting As God Intended

How long have you been parenting? Got it all figured out yet?

Parenting is probably one of the most difficult roles you will find yourself in. Most of us still face many frustrations that may have many of us feeling that if we knew then what we know now about what it means to be a godly parent, we may have done things differently.

Parents often attempt to use different techniques to play the role of God in their children's lives, however there is no perfect parenting technique that will produce perfect children. Parents cannot do for their child what only God can do for their child.

God is quite capable of working in our children's lives despite the mistakes we will inevitably make as parents. All we should ever do as parents is what God is wanting to do in and through us as moms and dads.

The Indwelling Life of Christ: All of Him in All of Me

Why do we keep failing even in our best efforts to live the Christian life? Because no one other than Jesus Christ can live it, for the simple reason that He is the Christian life! And only He can live it in our lives as well. Major W. Ian Thomas takes a refreshing look at the pure thrill of living victoriously as you embrace the living Savior’s presence within you. The more you become genuinely and relentlessly available to Christ, the more He can take over so that your Christian walk becomes vibrant and effective! This inspiring devotional, along with the application questions at the end of each reading, will help you focus consistently on Jesus Himself so you can serve and enjoy Him at an entirely new level and dimension.

You can try to steer clear of sin. Avoid temptation. Refuse to steal, lie, or use drugs and alcohol. You can indeed try to be sinless. But that is still you. And you are still trying.
Jesus Christ was not holy because He focused His efforts on avoiding sin. Instead, “He refused to allow there to be any possible explanation for the quality of His life but the Father, as God, dwelling in Him, as Man,” writes Major W. Ian Thomas.

So whom do you want dwelling in you? More of you? Or all of Christ?

Story Behind the Book: Major W. Ian Thomas was twelve years old when he accepted the Lord with a simple prayer. But by nineteen, “I had been reduced to spiritual exhaustion,” he says, “with no hope or reason for going on.” It was then that he discovered the life-transforming secret of the indwelling life of the living Lord Jesus Christ. God gave him a message through Galatians 2:20, where he learned to say, “Lord Jesus, I can’t—You never said I could—but You can, and always said You would. That is all I need to know.” Major Thomas came to understand it was Christ Himself living through him who would do His work. This is the message he has been passionately proclaiming all his life.

The Mystery of Godliness: Experiencing Christ in Us

In The Mystery of Godliness, W. Ian Thomas lays bare the reality of our weakness without God. While godliness may be a mystery, Thomas makes it clear that this is what God intends to create within us through Christ. For all those tired of trying to make it on their own, this book helps guide its readers back into the arms of the only One who can sustain them and make them whole.

Finding God in the Gray: The Lonely Path

Let’s face it. The trauma of life can crush our souls. Some pain feels like it won’t ever go away. But no matter how devastating it might feel, our pain is never greater than God’s ability to sustain us. Frank Friedmann confronts the issue of pain honestly, without hollow cliches and pat answers that help no one. He writes so that hurting people can find God in a way they never knew Him...so they can get through what they can’t get over.

Are you hurting? Finding God in the Gray was written with you in mind. You’ll be changed by this book’s radical response to the devastating pains of life. In this no-nonsense book, you’ll see how the grace of God sits down with you until you are ready to walk again.

Stunned by Grace: it's beyond amazing

In the pages of Stunned by Grace, you’ll find real, lasting peace of mind so that you’re no longer walking on eggshells, trying to do more and be enough. The precious gems of truth contained within this book are an absolute rarity. You'll be convinced that Father God likes you and is for you!

Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love Devotional: Getting to Know the One Who Loved You First and Loves You Most


As a Christian, you are Christ’s flawless bride in whom He delights and celebrates continually. But if you don’t know this, you will miss experiencing wondrous delight in intimacy with Him.

In this fifty-day companion devotional to Kim K. Francis’ His Banner over Me Is Pursuing Love, you will savor your Spiritual Bridegroom’s reminders of:

Your eternal spiritual union with Him Your complete forgiveness of sins Your pure, righteous, and holy identity in Him Your eternal safety and security in Him His indwelling life as your source for living Your life under the new covenant of grace The foreign source of the ungodly thoughts you experience Fall in love for the first time or once again with the One who gave His life for you and to you, so that He would never have to live without you!

From Bondage to Bonding: Escaping Codependency, Embracing Biblical Love (God's Design for the Family)

In this thorough, nontechnical guide to assessment of and recovery from codependency, author Nancy Groom takes you beyond simply escaping codependency to helping you tackle the tough questions you’ll face as you emerge from destructive relationships. Men and women who are dealing with grief, anger, and feelings of shame from codependency will learn how to bond to God.

PROMISES FULFILLED: The Metanarrative of God's Covenants with His People

This volume explores the grand metanarrative of God's covenants with His people as narrated throughout the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. The promises of God to Abraham (Gen. 12-22) were physically fulfilled for the Jewish people, and spiritually fulfilled for Christian people.

If Jesus Loves Me Why Isnt This Working

If Jesus Loves Me Why Isn't This Working?

Dylan Cooke is living a typical Christian life—stressed, discouraged, and questioning God. That all changes when he begins receiving 22 extraordinary letters, claiming to be from Jesus. These letters reveal a life Dylan never imagined, one rooted in simplicity, childlike faith, and trust in Jesus.
As Dylan reads, his understanding of God’s plan transforms. He learns that the life he longs for isn’t about striving or performing but embracing the abundant life already given to him. Through relatable struggles and timeless truths, If Jesus Loves Me? Why Isn’t It Working? invites readers to rediscover the joy and freedom of the life Jesus intended.

RELIGION – The Devil's Playground by Jim Fowler

RELIGION – The Devil's Playground by Jim Fowler

In RELIGION – The Devil’s Playground, Jim Fowler takes a bold and thought-provoking look at the human-made elements of religion, particularly within Christianity. Without dismissing the gospel of Jesus Christ, Fowler exposes how religious performances and traditions have distorted the simplicity of faith in Christ.
Drawing comparisons to C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, Fowler explores the spiritual battle between God and Satan, identifying religion as a tool of deception—a “devil’s playground.” With a mix of sharp insight and occasional sarcasm, Fowler differentiates the genuine reception of Christ’s Spirit from the counterfeit practices that mask true Christian life.
Challenging yet illuminating, this book invites readers to strip away man-made distractions and rediscover the essence of life in Christ. Perfect for those seeking to understand the difference between faith and religion, RELIGION – The Devil’s Playground is an eye-opening exploration of spiritual truth.

Kenneth D Grief

God's Covenants Fulfilled: In Jesus Christ

The ancient covenants of God with Israel have historically been viewed thorough the paradigm of the regulatory and juridical systems of Judaic Law, depicting the covenant interactions of God in the affairs of men as legal imperatives for the Jewish people. Ken Grief has addressed these ancient arrangements, the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants, documenting the transition from static observances associated with ancient Israeil to the dynamic fulfillment of the new covenants promises in Jesus Chrsit within the New Covenant ecclesia.

Who I Am in Christ

Who I Am in Christ

by Neil T. Anderson

Do You Know Who You Are in God's Eyes?

Have you ever been tempted to doubt God's love? Well, He never gives up on you. Do you spend much of your life trying to earn God's favor? What a tragic waste of time--because you already have His love! It is the gift of life, which God freely gives you when you decide to follow Christ. It comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity.

Neil T. Anderson--bestselling author of Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker--reveals and defines your special place in God's family in this powerful devotional that has sold over 100,000 copies!

Who I Am in Christ includes 36 readings and prayers, each and every one based on scriptural passages that assure you of God's love and your security and freedom in His kingdom. Welcome to His Word and His world-- where you are the apple of His eye!

The Cure

by Trueface (Author), Bruce McNicol (Author), Bill Thrall (Author), John Lynch (Author)

The Cure gives the diagnosis of this century’s religious obsession with sin-management. It has poisoned the Church, obscuring the Original Good News and sending millions away, wounded, angry and cynical, from nearly any organized expression of faith. This newly designed format of The Cure offers an authentic experience in Christ that frees some from a self-rewarded righteousness, and others from a beaten down striving for a righteousness they can never seem to attain. The Cure infuses a relational theology of grace and identity, which alone can heal, free and create sustainable, genuine, loving, life-giving communities.

The Good and Beautiful GOD

by James Bryan Smith

What we think about God shapes how we live. In The Good and Beautiful God, James Bryan Smith invites readers to challenge their assumptions about God by testing them against the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels.

Through this transformative book, Smith helps uncover false narratives about God—like the belief that God only blesses the good or is perpetually angry—and replaces them with the truth of God’s goodness, love, and grace. Practical spiritual exercises and soul-training practices guide readers to experience real change in their mind, heart, and soul.

Perfect for individuals or small groups, The Good and Beautiful God is a life-changing journey to know God as Jesus reveals Him—good, loving, and beautiful. Discover the freedom and joy of aligning your soul with the truth of who God truly is.

Introducing THE NEW YOU

Introducing THE NEW YOU

by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory

Christianity is so much more than rules, regulations or religious rituals. Once you become a Christian, you are a brand new person. THE NEW YOU is an in-depth look at your new life in Christ. The whole of Christianity must be redefined in light of God's amazing grace. And the results will truly amaze you!

THE NEW YOU can help you realize your full potential as a new creation in Christ. It is a Christian character sketch—a before and after picture, designed to assist you in understanding the significance of your new identity. THE NEW YOU is the ideal resource for any serious Christian—a must for new believers! It is a no frills book packed with genuine substance, transforming truths and life-changing reality.

Heaven Is Now

Heaven Is Now

by Andrew Farley

What if heaven wasn't just meant to be experienced after we die? What if heaven can be enjoyed here on earth—right now? Through story and conversations with Jesus, best-selling author Andrew Farley reveals how much you can take in the beauty of heaven no matter what your circumstances.

With insight firmly rooted in the reality of pain and suffering in his own life, Andrew assures you that heaven is not merely some pie-in-the-sky dream for the future—it is now. He shows you how to awaken your spiritual sense in order to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the grace of heaven, even in the midst of trouble here on earth. The heaven you can experience in this life lies within you, far beyond the reach of the world—but well within your grasp.

Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus Changes Everything: It's Time to Embrace God's Unconditional Love

by Bob George

Are you Experiencing New Life? You were probably told that salvation is a free gift. But trying to live up to what you think God demands feels like anything but a gift.

The problem? You're basing your Christianity in the Old Testament—making your faith a law-based religion. But the New Covenant, which God has put in place through Jesus' death, changes everything. Bestselling author Bob George opens up the Scriptures and guides you through truth that will make God's plan clear. You'll be able to see how, in your life...effort, guilt, and fear from living under law will give way to rest and peace from realizing that your relationship with God doesn't depend on your performance motivation by punishment will be replaced by inner motivation through his complete acceptance the sense of distance from God will be transformed into confidence in his unconditional love. Nothing could be better than experiencing the fullness of God's plan for you. This fullness is yours because Jesus changes everything.

Life As God Intended

If you are looking for something to read in the meantime, you can find plenty of relevant content on our Blog Page through Life As God Intended. If you have any questions about what book might be the best for the current season of life or situation you are in please feel free to send us a message using the “Quick Contact” section below or checking out our “Contact Us” page. Look forward to hearing from you soon and pray for healing and complete restoration through Christ on this journey called Life.