A decoy is usually a person, device, or event which resembles what an individual or a group might be looking for, but it is only meant to lure them. Decoys have been used for centuries, most notably in game hunting, but also in wartime and in the committing or resolving of crimes.
It is easy to become distracted in the fast and busy lives we live. Our world is full of distractions that pull us away from what is most important to our lives, in the present. Whatever we are distracted by, keeps us from experiencing an essential consistent focus and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Distraction shifts our attention from something of greater importance to something of lesser importance. Remember the analogy of the decoy.
Spiritual distractions postpone God’s intention for our lives. It is a diversion rooted in Satan’s subtle decoy.
Spiritual distractions originate with Satan, and these distractions often manifest in one of two ways: 1) environmental or 2) selfish concerns.
The tempter “Satan” is the source of both “environmental” or worldly distractions, as well as “selfish flesh patterns” which we have become dependent on.
Environmental distractions can range from poor nutrition, work pressures, dysfunctional family dynamics, and social influences from the constant bombardment of negative media, all of which can affect our ability to focus on and participate with God.
However, we would have to admit that our greatest distraction, spiritually speaking, would be dealing with our own selfish tendencies. Relating everything to ourselves. This thinking is self-centered. It is all about me, having things go my way. Even well-intentioned desires for self-improvement. We are so “caught up in ourselves” that to suggest that the solution to our distractions is to change our focus from ourselves to God seems trite.
Are you plagued by thoughts focused on yourself?
Do you regularly have self-centered or self-absorbed thoughts?
This kind of thinking can be a major distraction to healthy relationship with God and others.
Have you been plagued with thoughts like…
“I am a complete failure.” / “My life is so bad.” “I am not sure I have done enough.” / “My life is boring.” “I’m too tired to do what’s required.” / “I don’t fit in.” “I feel so guilty.” / “I worry about what people think of me.” If so, we have become distracted from our “reason for being,” which is relationship with Christ.
When negative, self-absorbed thinking gets out of control it can become an even more serious matter, and result in mental/emotional disorders such as:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (irrational, obsessive thoughts)
Anxiety Disorder (irrational worries that are usually situational)
Panic Disorder (negative thinking about health or the inability to escape a particular situation)
Social anxiety disorder (irrational negative thoughts about other people)
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder / ADHD (easily distracted and find it difficult to stay focused on tasks for long periods of time) Instead of easily becoming distracted, we must learn to stay focused on God’s presence. The only cure to the “side effects” of being distracted is to practice the presence of God moment-by-moment.
Don’t let yourself become your own greatest spiritual distraction.
Our self-focused minds going simultaneously in multiple directions can often keep us off balance and out of focus as to God’s will for our lives.
When we are focused on ourselves, we also don’t show much concern for others (John 13:34), because we are limited by our own self-interest.
Regardless of the environmental or self-centered influences we are distracted by –
Distraction is the adversary’s deception to get us focused on ourselves.
Every Christian must be “on guard” (I Peter 5:8), for Satan, the tempter, knows right where to distract us with his negative humanistic mind-set.
What we focus on and give ourselves to, reveals what we love.
The good news is that God will use those distractions to reveal what is important to us in contrast to what is important to Him.
God does not condemn us but rather loves us into a trusting spiritual relationship where we may choose to walk by faith, experiencing His purpose, His grace.
Grace is God doing what we are incapable of doing.
His grace provides for everything.
Regardless of what Satan is attempting to distract you with, remember that God’s all-sufficient “grace (is available) for help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). Satan’s distracting temptations of self-focus and selfish preoccupation will be overcome by God’s love that seeks the highest good for us and others.
Luke 10 contains a powerful story that illustrates how to overcome being spiritually distracted. It is the story of Jesus and Mary at Martha’s home. Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and was listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks…”
Martha was distracted from His presence! Her problem wasn’t her doing, per se. Her problem was that she didn’t know how to “be focused” on Jesus. Any “service” that we perform that does not “flow out of” (is not derived from) His life is not service at all, it’s flesh! Notice the passage of scripture in Luke 10:39-40.
Boom, boom, Martha stomped in and says to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you care?” (Have you ever said that to Jesus?) How did Jesus respond to Martha? Jesus entreats her lovingly: “Martha, Martha…” He speaks in an endearing way, and even though she was being obnoxious, He meets her where she is and gently takes her where she needs to go! Isn’t that beautiful?
The answer to Martha’s (and our) problem with distraction is Jesus. It is the place of “beholding Christ” in our soul, I refer to it as the “Mary place.” He knows your name as well, and He entreats YOU lovingly when YOU become distracted.
There is a progression in our Lord’s response, as He brings it all down to what’s necessary. First, He told Martha,
“You are worried and bothered about so many things.”
Then He said, “But only a few things are necessary.”
Then, He narrows it down: “Really only one…for Mary has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her.”
What is “the good part”? It is being attentive to God. It is focusing on His presence. It is sitting at Jesus’ feet, giving Him full attention. Can you picture yourself there? Looking into the eyes of Jesus?
Where do you experience God? In the kitchen of activity? (distracted) Or, focused on His presence, deriving from Him? Don’t let the distractions of today destroy the peace and satisfaction that only come from sitting and resting at the feet of Jesus.
It is vital that we experience a relationship with Christ and not just a concept of Him. The key to staying focused rather than being distracted is…choosing to walk by faith and allowing for the renewing of our minds (Eph. 4:23). Our receptivity to God’s activity allows us to experience God in the moment, instead of and in spite of our distractions.
Will you allow the “greater importance” of what Christ is doing in you to overcome “something of lesser importance,” which is (Satan) attempting to distract you?
If so, you are experiencing in the moment, life as God intended!
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Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life
Living the Victorious Life