The God of the Mountains

I am writing this blog from my vacation spot on Waikiki Beach Honolulu Hawaii. God has gifted me this generous vacation from a friend and here I am sitting on the beach in Hawaii enjoying this beautiful view observing Diamond Head Mountain in the background. It is a non-volcanic mountain that you can actually climb to the top of and see the majestic view here of Honolulu.

I was reminded of a passage of scripture that the Psalmist pinned in Psalm 121, when he said, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” This is a perfect setting to think about that reality, sitting here in God’s beautiful creation in Hawaii.

What’s the application to that question and answer, from where shall my help come and the answer of course my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. The application is God will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you He will not slumber. The Lord will guard you are going out and you are coming in from this time forth and forever.

As I was meditating on this passage of scripture looking at this beautiful mountain view it reminded me of the fact that God is the God of the mountains. He is obviously the God of creation, the God of the sea. His footprints can be traced from mountain-to-mountain peak through the bible. There are actually 467 references to mountains in scripture and the mountains declare the glory of God. As I was contemplating this and this beautiful, picturesque setting here in Waikiki and the majestic mountain towering overlooking the ocean, I was reminded of the greatest mountain of all in scripture.

That would be mount Calvary where Jesus Christ not only took our sins which is so often talked about and rightly so and shed His blood on our behalf but, we need not neglect to understand that he also took us into Himself; so that we were crucified with him, in order to put to death the spiritually dead condition of Satan that we were born with; and then we were buried with him [the spirit of death left us] and then we rose with Him [and His Spirit entered into us] this was the objective reality that took place 2,000 years ago.

The objective must become a subjective, experiential reality by faith. A practical reality of faith whereby we receive the living Lord Jesus Christ, and once we receive Him it is not the end of the discussion. It is the beginning of experiencing His Eternal Life; for Christ is our life. He is Eternal Life, and we experience Life As God Intended as we participate with Him day- by-day walking by faith.

May I encourage you today in whatever setting you find yourself, probably not here in Waikiki Hawaii but wherever the Lord is, is a majestic place. God is the God of the mountains that you potentially face today, and He will walk you through them as you walk with Him by faith.

Living the Victorious Life

Living the Victorious Life

Living the Victorious Life

Living the Victorious Life